
Domain & Hosting Server

Domain registration is the process of registering a domain name, which identifies one or more IP addresses with a name that is easier to remember and use in to identify particular web pages. The person or business that registers domain name is called the domain name registrant.

Domain registration requires utilizing the services of a domain name registrar, an ICANN or national CCTLD accredited company that has the authority to register domain names. Registrars help individuals and organizations register a domain name that has an extension like .com, .org, .net, .info, .biz, .us, .name, .pro, .tv etc.

A domain name is an address that web users type into a browser to find a website. Domain names can be helpful tools in raising brand awareness, marketing your products and increasing sales. In this article, we discuss domain names, five different types of domains and tips for choosing a perfect domain name for you.

Types of domain name

Aaditya Infosoft has proven its capability in web hosting among the market.We offers superior platform for Windows based web hosting. We provide plans as suitablefor your personal, e-commerce, web portal or businesswebsites includes scripting (php, ASP etc.) and database(MySQL, Sql server etc.) capability. The web-hosting planincludes top database and scripting tools, support andvirtually unlimited capacity, for websites that demand thehighest performance.

We at Aaditya Infosoft offer your several package choices to meet your specific needs. When it comes to your website, you want to ensure it is up and running, our smart engineers work tosolve your requests.


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